we celebrate the beauty and warmth of natural wood by offering handcrafted wooden products that blend functionality with aesthetic charm.
Shop NowWe partner with ethical suppliers to ensure every product is made from responsibly harvested wood. Our artisans infuse their skill and passion into every piece, ensuring a perfect blend of tradition and innovation. Our products are not only beautiful but also durable, designed to last for years while aging gracefully.
Shop NowOur packaging is 100% plastic-free. We only use eco-friendly materials for our packaging like - Paper, jute and cardboard. We believe in environmental conservation, so we are taking the initiative not to use plastic and helping our customers to live zero waste lifestyle so that our mother earth could be plastic free.
We have to live on this planet for some time 'yet'. As far as we might be concerned, that means living with it as well and returning some of what we've all taken.
So we've started an initiative to encourage our artisans to do natural farming and selling them on our online shop. Help them by buying just natural products for you and your family.
Agrrro is an organization that works directly with wood artisans who have hands-on experience with wood carving and provides the best quality wood products to the consumer's doorstep from the website ie. www.agrrro.com.
We are using 100% plastic-free packaging which includes paper, jute, and cardboard boxes. paper and boxes are made from Wheat Straw and Recycled Waste Paper. And jute is grown naturally. All of the packaging material is biodegradable, making our packaging zero-waste.
We work directly with wood artisans who traditionally carve wood. Because each article is made by hand by an artisan, there is always a slight difference in the dimension and design of each article, that also make each article unique in its own way.